Tripoli - Emad Agag
The former head of external security in Gaddafi’s regime, Abu Zeid Dorda, denied on Tuesday during his trial before the Court of Appeal in Tripoli, all six charges he is accused of by the court, which began its first session in Tripoli to try senior officials of the former regime. In response to the charges Dorda said \"they are untrue and contradictory\" to what he did during the events. Dou Mansouri, Dorda’s lawyer, tried to argue that he wasn\'t given access to the exact dates of the investigation into his client, but the prosecutor refuted that, saying that all he had to do was pay a visit to the office of the Attorney General to get the required information. The prosecutor responded to the allegations of the accused during the hearing session, in which he claimed that no charges were made against him during his interrogation, The prosecutor asserted that the Public Prosecution charged the accused of an indictment, according to papers read out at the session. He explained that the defendant objected to the delay. The court, after hearing the defendant, his lawyer, and the prosecutor, decided to defer the case to a hearing session on July 26 at the request of the defence, while Abu Zeid Dorda will remain detained. The Court read out six charges against Abu Zeid Dordam namely: harnessing the seucurity apparatus to shoot civilians in the head and chest; the formation of an armed force to attack the western mountain areas in order to ignite a civil war; prevent peaceful demonstrations using force; threatening citizens with imprisonment, detaining citizens and abusing his position.