A French man working for the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) was kidnapped in Yemen Saturday on his way to the port city of Hudaida, an ICRC spokeswoman said. “We haven’t had any contact with his captors. We are very concerned for his health and well-being,” spokes woman Marie-Servane Desjonqueres said, adding “We are hoping for his immediate and unconditional release.” The ICRC employee was snatched late Saturday afternoon on the road around 30 to 40 kilometres (20 to 25 miles) from Hudaida. He was on his way to the airport. The two drivers with him were captured but freed shortly after. Foreigners are frequently kidnapped in Yemen by heavily armed tribesmen, who use them as bargaining chips with the authorities. More than 200 people have been abducted in Yemen over the past 15 years. The majority have been freed alive and well.