The leader of the Fatah movement in Gaza released a statement yesterday, condemning the decision of the Palestinian Central Elections Commission to oust former Fatah member Mohammad Dahlan.  Sufian Abu Zaida said in the press release, “There is frustration among the people of Fatah in the Gaza Strip, firstly because of the stalled reconciliation efforts, and secondly because of illegal decision against Mohammad Dahlan taken by the 12 members of the Commission.” According to Abu Zaida “this case casts a shadow on every corner of Gaza and intensifies the daily hardships experienced by the people of Fatah in the Strip.  Gazans need something to ease their pain and suffering, not wound them further.  They need someone to unite them, not separate them.  They need someone to solve their problems, not threaten their livelihoods.” He added that, “Law and order govern the relationship between activists, leaders and members of Fatah.  The abuse of power… has no role in this relationship”. “In the case of Mohammed Dahlan, there was a lot of bullying under the guise of legal processes, which flagrantly contradicts the movement’s ruling paradigms.  The Revolutionary Council is the only body that can solve this.” Abu Zaida called the decision to remove Dahlan from Fatah was “unwise” and believes that it is “delusional” to think that Dahlan is no longer a player in the national political landscape. In regards to the stalled reconciliation process, Abu Zaida said that, “Not everyone experienced the same repercussions from the split. There are some who paid the price and who are continuing to pay it every day.  On the other hand, there are leaders who are benefitting from it and will do everything in their power to keep it this way.  For them, reconciliation means elections the reactivations of alliances that were destroyed in the split.  Most importantly reconciliation will mean that some leaders will lose the votes and be sent back home.  In most cases, that means out of Palestine.”