Semi-official Iranian news agency "FARS" news agency stated that seven Turkish officers were arrested in Syria and admitted receiving training in Tel Aviv under Mossad’s supervision to perform terrorist attacks. The agency reported that the Syrian security forces managed last month to arrest 49 soldiers belonging to the Turkish security forces who penetrated into Syria to destabilise its security. It added that the soldiers confessed having connections with some parties in Qatar and Saudi Arabia. FARS said that one of the officers disclosed strictly confidential information about the Zionist Mossad  activities in Turkey, Syria, and some Arab countries and admitted that an intelligence team of members trained by Mossad entered  Syrian borders and led the Syrian armed rebeloutfit "Free Syrian Army" (FSA). The officer said that Mossad sent a group of experts specialised in assassination operations to Jordan in coordination with the Jordanian intelligence to train Al-Qaeda members coming from Libya to send them to Syria to fight the regime forces and carry out assasinations and bombings. The Iranian news agency added that Damascus refused to negotiate with a Turkish delegate about releasing Turkish officers without setting conditions, including extraditing Syrian and FSA members who fled to Turkey and became opposition agents abroad; Turkey to commit not to arm subversive and terrorist gangs and control its borders to prevent infiltration of "terrorists" to the Syrian land; and for negotiations to be sponsored by Iran.