chef Maggie Habib

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) named Tuesday Egyptian chef Maggie Habib as one of the special ambassadors for the International Year of Pulses (IYP) 2016, the FAO said in a statement.

Habib, representing the Near East and North Africa region, is a popular Egyptian chef who presents a TV cooking show, and gains many fans and followers for her healthy traditional recipes.

A group of five regional ambassadors for the IYP will support FAO in promoting the health and environmental benefit of pulses through international events and outreaches to media, the statement said.

The IYP 2016 aims to raise public awareness of the nutritional benefits of pulses, boost their production and trade and encourage new and smarter uses of them throughout food chain.

"We have appointed Ms Maggie Habib for her high passion towards healthy nutrition, household food security and balanced healthy recipes for children and mothers, as well as her commitment to the revival of traditional foods in Egypt," said Abdessalam Ould Ahmed, FAO regional representative, during a ceremony held for the appointment.

Besides Habib from Egypt, FAO special ambassadors for IYP 2016 include Jenny Chandler from Britain, Joyce Boye from Canada, Kadambot Siddique from India and Elizabeth Mpofu from Zimbabwe.

A special ambassador for the Latin America and the Caribbean region is yet to be nominated.