Nineteen Egyptian political parties have agreed on a settlement for the crisis facing the committee tasekd with formulating Egypt\'s new constitution. Secularist parties had earlier in the week walked out of the constitution panel saying they weren\'t offered adequate representation in the Islamist-dominated body. Seven parties opted out of the agreement, which was declared in a press release issued after a joint meeting between the representatives of 24 parties. The meeting was also attended by Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, head of the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed forces (SCAF), and his deputy, General Sami Anan. The meeting ended with an agreement between 19 parties on some general principles to be included in the constitution, as well as some amendments in the constituent assembly\'s formation. Five parties have refused the agreement, including the Egyptian Social Democratic Party and the Social Public Coalition Party which were absent. Those who agreed included the Freedom and Justice Party (the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood), along with the Salafist al-Nour party, the al-Wafd party, the al-Wassat party, and others. Those who refused include the Free Egyptians party, al-Tagamo\' party, the Justice Party, the Dignity Party, and the Democratic Peace Party. The 19 parties agreed on al-Azhar and democratic coalition declarations as accepted references for the new constitution. \"This constitution will ensure a constitutional, democratic, and modern state that protects the fundamental freedoms of all citizens and supports national unity,\" said a joint statement. \"The signing parties have agreed to form technical committees to coordinate with the constitutional assembly by providing proposals and experiences that should support the assembly\'s efforts.\"