A constitutional court in Egypt ruled Monday that an order issued by President Mohammed Morsi to reinstate Parliament was rejected. Morsi, in one of his first acts as president, ordered the Parliament to reconvene. The Supreme Council of Armed Forces had ruled to disband the assembly after a high court found that part of the election for Parliament this year was unconstitutional. The court, in a statement published by Egyptian news agency al-Ahram, said its decisions \"are final and not subject to appeal, and that its provisions in cases of constitutional interpretation and decisions are binding on all state authorities.\" Morsi was the candidate from the Muslim Brotherhood\'s Freedom and Justice Party, which has expressed frustration with SCAF, the military leadership that took over the country after last year\'s revolution. Former presidential candidates, including ousted Brotherhood member Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, said Morsi wasted his legal authority by trying to reinstate Parliament, al-Ahram added. The Muslim Brotherhood holds the most seats in the legislative assembly. Brotherhood member and speaker of Parliament Saad al-Katatni called on lawmakers to return for an informal session Tuesday. Morsi became the first president elected by a democratic vote in Egyptian history.