Osama bin Laden\'s daughter says U.S. forces captured her father alive then killed him during a raid on the al-Qaida leader\'s compound, Pakistani officials said. Besides recovering four bodies from the compound, Pakistani security agencies took into custody two women and six children after U.S. forces left the compound where bin Laden was staying, al-Arabiya reported Wednesday. Reports suggest 16 people, including women and children, were detained after Sunday\'s raid on the compound in Abbottabad, near Islamabad. A Pakistani security official told the Arabic-language television news channel bin Laden family members were taken to Rawalpindi where they were being treated at a military hospital. Sources said one of the two women taken into custody by Pakistani forces was one of bin Laden\'s wives. \"She is Yemeni and became unconscious during the operation,\" the security official. The official said a 12-year-old daughter of bin Laden reportedly told Pakistani investigators U.S. forces captured her father alive but killed him in front of family members. Pakistani security forces maintained security around the compound against the growing number of journalists and onlookers, al-Arabiya reported. Security officials said the house had 13 rooms divided among three floors. \"There was no bunker or tunnel inside the house,\" an official said, \"and that\'s why I don\'t understand why the world\'s most wanted man would have decided to live here.\"