Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) Implementation Follow-up commission concluded its works Monday in Al-Fasher after its second meeting, chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister of Qatar Ahmed Bin Abdulla Al Mahmoud and attended by representatives of Canada, China, Egypt, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, African Union, European Union, and Arab League, where they discussed progress achieved so far in the implementation of the DDPD as well as the peace process. A statement released by the chairman said the Commission noted the appointments of senior posts to national and state governments that happened last week. They called on the Sudanese government to establish a Voluntary Return and Resettlement Commission and for the Darfur Regional Authority to begin working on it as soon as possible. The Commission also 'expressed deep concern about the belligerent rhetoric of non-signatory movements calling to overthrow the Government.' They stressed these movements should negotiate a settlement with the Government. They also discussed the need for international cooperation and support for the DDPD, but stated sole responsibility lies with the signatories. Meanwhile, the Chief Advisor at the Office of the US special Envoy to Sudan, Dan Smith said that Al-Fasher meeting is an important station for the enforcement of the Doha document. He also announced that he will visit Kigali and Kampala and Abuja, adding that the field reports that briefed during his current visit to Darfur has confirmed that the security situation is improving. Sudan' North Darfur State Governor Osman Yousif Kibir, for his part, reiterated the improvement of Darfur's securitysituation, saying that there is freedom for traveling and the region is starting to shift from "the state of emergency to the state of development." The governor noted that some refugees returned on their own to their homes in Darfur from Chad due to the improved security and went on to urge more armed movements to join the DDPD and contribute to the reconstruction of the region.