Benghazi – Emad Agag
A spokesman for the local council of the Libyan city Benghazi , Khaled Gazoi, in a telephone interview with Arabstoday, denied that the headquarters of the local Transitional Council had been stormed by protestors angered by the late payment of their salaries, as reported on local news websites. Gazoi explained that the protesters staged a sit-on in front of the Treasury, without attacking the headquarter at all .He added: “we are not the enemy for those who demand their rights, rather we support them and call for the transitional authorities to pay all monies due\". The official added: \"we know that there are needy families during this Holy month, and they actually have rights. We are seeking to find a radical solution, not a temporary one, and we will be helpful and supportive to them in their plight.” Gazoi said the local council had issued a statement explaining that many corrupt practices and suspicious contracts had been suspended. The stakeholders, either affiliated to the former regime of Muammar Gaddafi or new ones, had taken advantage of the lawlessness of this period and signed several contracts without authority, as well as looting public money. Gazoi went on to say that the elected local council has drawn up a series of procedures, investigations and financial and administrative reviews to fight corruption and implement justice and security. The local council also decided to write a clear and concise \"honour charter\" with specific responsibilities, signed by security forces, local forces and civil society institutions in order to provide legitimate space for the security services to carry out their role in protecting lives, institutions, rights and maintain freedom. The spokesman continued saying the Council warns all those \"who build randomly and illegally, or who usurp land or property owned by others or the State, will be charged and punished for their criminal acts, and rights will be returned to their owners. The State should regain its sovereignty and legitimacy the equitable distribution of resources and opportunities.” He asserted that the role of the local Council is a regulatory and supervisory one for the performance of government. On this basis, the Council is not responsible for salaries or financial obligations to any party, and therefore the Council should not be blamed for the responsibilities of others. Gazoi accused the previous local authority for the late payment of salaries, adding that those responsible should be charged. He clarified that the Council will cooperate with Benghazi members of the National Congress to ensure constitutional formulas are put in place to ensure decentralisation is functioning correctly and to achieve the desired development for the city.