A Somali police official said a car bomb that went off in the capital Mogadishu Wednesday may have been meant for a government convoy passing through the area. The bomb was apparently hidden in a car parked near KM4, a key intersection near the presidential palace, and injured at least one passerby when it exploded. CNN said the location was guarded by African Union peacekeepers; however the police commander in the area said it appears the bombers had planned to hit one of the government convoys that use the road. Ahmed Mayre Makaran, the district commissioner of Waberi , told the Shabelle Media Network the bomb \"intended to kill and sabotage the innocent civilians in Mogadishu.\" Police said no one had claimed responsibility for the attack, but four suspects were apprehended and a remote-control detonator was seized. The Somali government has been locked in a running battle with the Islamic militant group al-Shabaab since 2008.