Deceased Egyptian Coptic Pope Shenouda's Secretary, Bishop Unas, has revealed that the Coptic Church's Holy Synod has decided to declare Bishop Bakhumius as the "Acting Patriarch" for the Coptic Church untill the new pope is elected. Regulations laid down in 1957 state that after the Pope's death, the eldest bishop should cover his place temporarily untill the new pope is elected. Unas said that the Church will send a message to Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, the head of the ruling Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF), in order to issue an official recognition of the temporary role of Bishop Bakhumius. Bishop Unas told the Middle-East News Agency that the Church was not considering changing the pope election-regulations of 1957, "as two of the most recognisable Popes were elected according to it;  Pope Kirulus VI, and Pope Shenouda III". Bishop Unas also said the voting board would not witness any change in its composition.