As part of the consecutive steps announced by President Bashar al-Assad recently, His Excellency issued Decree no. 307 naming General Dawood Rajiha Minister of Defense. This reshuffle is part of the reassignments that covered recently a number of officials following direct meetings held by President al-Assad with popular delegations and citizens. General Dawood Rajiha was born in Damascus in 1947 and graduated from the Military Academy in 1967 where he specialized in artillery. He took several military training courses, including Leadership and Staff courses and Higher Staff course. He was promoted to Lieutenant General in 1998 and General in 2005. Gen. Rajiha occupied various military posts including battalion and brigade commander and director of a number of directorates and departments in the Armed Forces before being appointed Deputy Chief of General Staff in 2004 and Chief of General Staff in 2009. Gen. Rajiha received several military medals during the course of his career. He is married and has four sons.