The Chairman of the Coordination Committee in the Egyptian Democratic Alliance, Wahid Abdel Meguid, and Revealed that Sami Annan, Vice President of the Council of the Armed Forces will meet on Saturday with the party leaders, to discuss recent political demands, regarding the election law amendment. Abd al-Majeed said in a statement that “the demands submitted  by the Democratic Alliance and the political forces in their last meeting, to the Military Council considered to be  the maximum demands, which includes;  the amendment of the election law, activating the "treason law" issued under Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt's former president, in the 1950s to fight political corruption and abuse of office, set a deadline for the military council to hand over power to civilian authority elected by the people and restore security.” on the other hand,  President of the Democratic Front party, Al Saeed Kamel, said  in a statement issued by the party that he will hold an emergency meeting  on Saturday with party leaders. The Democratic Alliance has issued a statement in which they threatened the military council not to participate in the coming elections if they do not amend the election law.