Hamas political leader Dr Mahmoud al-Zahar has denied Fatah leaders\'s accusations that Hamas was following an Iranian agenda by not letting the national reconciliation come through. Al-Zahar said: \"We are not involved in any regional alliance, but our approach is based on keeping good relations with all Islamic nations, but these relations will never affect our national cause.\" Al-Zahar added: \"I wonder what is Fatah\'s problem with Iran? And what is the benefit Iran will gain by suspending the Palestinian reconciliation? I think these allegations cannot be justified, as we can not accuse them of being involved in an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt after they have held meetings together recently\". Al-Zahar said that \"the real test for the expected transitional government led by president Mahmoud Abbas is to ensure that Israel will let the Palestinian elections take place in Jerusalem. If they fail to do so this government will turn to be an eternal one instead of just transitional.\" Al-Zahar defended Hamas\'s position of not being engaging in a military response to the recent Israeli attacks against Gaza, saying: \"What happened was not a declaration of war, it was an Israeli assault against the leadership of the Popular Resistance Committee and al-Jihad al-Islami. These organisations have responded, then they demanded a cease-fire and got it, that is all.\" Meanwhile, Al-Zahar said Hamas had not left Syria, describing Khaled Meshaal\'s decision to stay in Qatar as \"personal\".