Cairo - Akram Ali
Al-Wafd Party affirmed Friday evening that it will respect the results of the Egyptian presidential elections which will be announced by the Supreme Presidential Elections Commission (SPEC), calling on all national powers to" exercise restraint and not to surrender to feelings of anger or tension." The party invited the in-coming president to dispense with differences and conflicts and to turn the page on the past for a new beginning. The party president al-Sayed al-Badawi convened a press conference Friday evening in which he expressed the party's concerns about the current political situation, considering it dangerous and posing a threat to the nation's unity and safety. Al-Badawi demanded the national powers exercise restraint and provide reassurances to the Egyptian citizens, after rumours began circulating about a probability of clashes taking place which may lead to bloodshed and chaos. He invited the president-in-waiting to be a president "for all Egyptians and to look to the future the revolution aspired to, under the umbrella of a civil democratic modern state based on citizenship, sovereignty of law, and respect for human rights and public freedoms, in addition to social justice. The party emphasised in a statement, its rejection of any foreign intervention in Egypt's internal affairs, accusing the other countries of "not understanding the psyche of the Egyptian people", adding “we may disagree among ourselves, but we are united in the face of anyone who attempts to interfere in our internal affairs.” Concerning the position of the party on the complementary constitutional declaration, he said that “some of the articles of the constitutional declaration issued by the military council are essential for the current stage, while others include exaggeration, in an attempt by the council to seize power.”