Residents living nearby the Southern suburbs of Beirut have suspicions that the freed prisoner Samir Al-Quntar of Hezbollah could be the intended target of an explosion that took place on Friday night near Al Ruwais area. Lebanese MTV reported a security source as saying that “two explosions took place in the Southern suburbs of Al Ruwais area, one of which took place inside a Mercedes car parked up next to a building and the other inside the building. The explosions were targeting a significant public figure living in the building.” Sources reported that Hezbollah imposed a security cordon around the explosion areas amid rumours that Samir Al-Quntar was the targeted person in the attacks. Although citizens confirmed a dead person in the explosion, it has been neither confirmed nor denied whether Al-Quntar was the victim. Other sources claimed that there is a victim who is not dead but suffering from critical injuries. LBC reported from related sources that it does not confirm nor deny the Hezbollah statement that the explosion resulted from a gas cylinder; as they pointed out that they have evidence confirming the opposite of what Hezbollah claims.