Khartoum – Abdel Qayom Ashmeeq
Sudanese president, Omar Al-Bashir, announced on Wednesday the determination of the Sudanese army to enter Kurmuk city in the Blue Nile State, "and clear it from the rioters." Al-Bashir said at a rally in the town of Gedaref, east of the country, that the government would not negotiate on the country’s internal issues abroad. He also launched a scathing attack on Alfarik Mallik Akar, the Blue Nile president, who overturned against the government, and terrorized thousands of Sudanese causing them to fee out of the state. Sudanese President reconfirmed his interest in achieving security in the Blue Nile and South Kordofan. Albasheer’s rally came in parallel with the Blue Nile new governor, Alhadi Boshra’s speech in Roseires city on Wednesday, where he confirmed that citizens’ security and stability will be his top priority. Kurmuk, is considered as a stronghold to Malik Akar and his army, thus it will be his end if it falls under the Sudanese army’s control, according to experts.