Gaza - Mohammed Habib
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made his first telephone conversation with the head of Hamas’s government in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh for the first time since 2006 to congratulate him for the holy month of Ramadan, and to reassure him that he will do whatever is necessary to improve the relationship between them after the reconciliation talks which took place in Cairo, especially the most recent one. In a statement issued by Mr. Haniyeh’s office, President Abbas assured Haniyeh that he will go ahead with all the issues agreed on in Cairo’s meeting especially the ones concerning the political detainees, issuing passports and improving contact between Fatah and Hamas leaders. Haniyeh’s office announced as well that a meeting between Haniyeh and a senior Fatah leader Rouhi Fattouh have recently taken place in Gaza and both of them have agreed amongst themselves not to go backwards after what they have achieved, in addition they promised that they will always try to preserve the positive environment which has been created between both parties.