20th February Movement officials have said that they have decided to start daily night marches in more than 40 Moroccan cities starting from Saturday night, to demand for further reforms and the punishment of corrupt elements in government. Officials pointed out that Casablanca will witness two nightly marches; the first in Al Fedaa Street situated in the Darb Sultan neighbourhood on Saturday 6th August, and the second the following week on Saturday 13th in Burnazil neighbourhood; and both will take off at 11pm. A coordinator source from the Movement in Casablanca told Arabstoday that the participants in the Saturday marches will hold up banners/signs demanding further constitutional reforms and punishing those corrupt figures in government. The source confirmed that there won\'t be any disagreements between the Leftists and Islamists within the Movement as they have agreed on the terms and aims of the marches together. In Tanja, the Justice and Charity Party along with the Radical Leftists extremist party, who lead the February Movement, announced in a press release that they will be organising a group breakfast session in the Bani Makada square – that witnessed the launch of the majority of marches in the city, on Saturday 6th August, which will host influential and creative figures from the Movement. The Movement coordinators will also organize a Saturday march in dowwar Alkadaya in Marrakesh, and another march launching at 10pm from Khenifra city. The movement coordinators in Rabat organised their own marchwhich will launch from Alakkari neighborhood, through Rue Al Qbebat to the Bab Alahad square in the city centre.