Awakening is the fourth film in the Underworld series, and the third to feature the star of the first two films, Beckinsale, reprising her role as the warrior vampire Selene. Set in a world where the human race is now fully aware of the existence of lycans (werewolves) and vampires, Selene fights a new enemy as she declares war on both supernatural species. The Underworld series ran out of steam during the second film, and this fourth instalment seems to drag quite painfully at times without the presence of the original director Len Wiseman. While Beckinsale is a confident and at times charismatic lead, the plot and action take the form of an elaborate computer game as she takes down one foe after another, with seemingly the only difference being that this time it is in 3D. The absence of many of the original cast (as well as the confused-looking additions, such as the veteran actor Charles Dance) adds to the feeling that this is a film made simply to continue a redundant franchise as opposed to advancing it. A diverting action film at best, but if you are looking for an intelligent movie you may need to look elsewhere.