Thirty minutes every day for 30 days - the 30X30 challenge from tomorrow. Game?

What's smart without being healthy? Dubai prides itself on its entrepreneurial streak but many residents are giving up on their bodies in their quest for enterprise and instant success. It's the lifestyle they say - sedentary and lazy. Blame it on lack of time. Excuses, excuses. Food is often on the go for many people - fast and furious, to be chomped down. Home, work, and school for families. For single people, it's just home, work and back which is not taking them places on the road to health.

Then comes a challenge out of the blue that shakes them out of their comfort zones. It's from none other than Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, and it gets us thinking. So they look themselves in the mirror and realise they're putting on those extra kilos without even knowing it. Not good. They're losing the battle of the bulge and blowing their hard earned lives (and money) on negative eating and slothful sitting for long hours.

How about an energy bump by joining the fitness challenge thrown by the Crown Prince? Thirty minutes every day for 30 days - the 30X30 challenge from tomorrow. Game?

We as an organisation are, and we want you to sign up too, if you haven't already. It's about feeling better and smarter. Think of the positive energy that you can release by burning those excess calories. Sheikh Hamdan, an avid sportsman and outdoors person, threw the unique Dubai Fitness Challenge - the first of its kind in the world - earlier this month. The response has been overwhelming with individuals and organisations confirming their participation. This morning, the Crown Prince even sent SMSs to residents, goading them to spare some time every day for a bit of exercise.

We see opportunities (not mere challenges) for a fuller, healthier life through this 30-day event. It is sure to boost confidence levels among individuals and as a community. Let's say it's in the fitness of things in Dubai, the city that is unafraid to push the boundaries of well-being.

Try doing some exercises alone, with a friend, or in a group. You can do it at home, at work, school, or by simply taking the stairs. Feeling charged up already? That's normal and you don't have to wait till tomorrow to get started.

For those who already have a fitness regimen, this is an opportunity (and a challenge) to raise their activity levels. Others can cut back on junk food and fizzies (the sin tax is already in play here). Obesity levels are a concern in the UAE, and Sheikh Hamdan's campaign is to encourage people to get moving and provide them with some food for thought. This challenge will go a long way to spread awareness of the health crisis in our midst. It could also bring down medical bills and put less strain on the healthcare system.

This challenge, like we said earlier, is also an opportunity for a strapping society. Let's go further and make it a health movement.

Source: Khaleej Times