The new hospital will provide services to about 25 villages and meet all the needs of the residents in the

A new hospital was opened in Masirah yesterday under the patronage of Sheikh Abdullah bin Mustuhail Shamas, Governor of South A'Sharqiya.

The new hospital will provide services to about 25 villages and meet all the needs of the residents in the wilayat. The hospital building covers about 776,300 square metres. The main building of the hospital consists of two floors and is located in the Defiat area, which is about 15 km from the centre of the wilayat. 

The opening ceremony of the hospital was attended by a member of the Majlis Al Shura Representative of the Wilayat of Masirah , the Wali of Musairah, members of the Municipal Council in the wilaya , a number of officials in the Ministry of Health and the Directorate General of Health Services in the Governorate of South A'Sharqiya, sheikhs and dignitaries.

Source: Timesofoman