Serves 2 Ingredients: ½ Goody Sedani pasta pack (Shape 12) 2 tbsp olive oil 1 small onion, chopped finely 1-2 garlic cloves, crushed 500 g Goody peeled and chopped tomatoes can 2 tsp tomato paste 2 tbsp water ¾ cup Mortadella slices ½ cup Goody mushrooms pieces & stems 1 tbsp parsley, chopped 2 tbsp sour cream Salt and pepper Steps: 1-To make the tomato sauce, heat the oil in a pan and cook the onion and garlic gently, until tender. 2-Add the tomatoes, tomato paste, water, and salt and pepper to the mixture in the pan and heat. In another pan, add olive oil and sauté the mushrooms and Mortadella until the water dissolves. Add the tomato, parsley, and sour cream. 3-Meanwhile, heat a pan of water with a teaspoon of salt and cook the pasta according to the pack instructions. Drain the pasta before transferring it to a serving dish and add the tomato sauce. Tip: You can choose any pasta shape for this recipe, although penne pasta mixes better with the sauce. Shape: 12 Difficulty: Easy Time: 25 minutes