4    pieces skinless salmon fillet or white fish fillets (about 1 lb/500 g total)    4 1 tbsp    grated gingerroot    15 mL 1/4 cup    light coconut milk    60 mL 2 tsp    fish sauce    10 mL 1 tsp    hot chili and garlic sauce    5 mL      Grated zest and juice of 1 lime     1    red bell pepper, julienned    1 1    green mango (see tip, at right), julienned    1 2 tbsp    fresh cilantro leaves    30 mL 1    lime, cut into 4 wedges    1 Place 1 piece of fish on each sheet of parchment paper. Fold all four sides of the paper to form creases about 4 inches (10 cm) from the edge, but do not close. (This will prevent liquids from spilling off the paper). In a small bowl, combine ginger, coconut milk, fish sauce, chili and garlic sauce, lime zest and lime juice. Drizzle evenly over fish. Divide red pepper and green mango evenly on top of fish. Bring the two long sides of the parchment paper together on top of the fish and fold over repeatedly to close the center, then fold the sides together, tucking the ends under the packet to hold them in place. Place packets on a baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Transfer packets to serving plates. Cut paper open with a sharp knife or scissors and add cilantro and a lime wedge to each packet.