Spiced crab cakes

Simple fishcakes made from delicate shellfish and Asian spices - coriander, sesame and chilli add a kick. Serve with a citrus mayonnaise
100g white crabmeat
2 spring onions, finely chopped
1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
small pack coriander, leaves only, finely chopped, plus extra for serving
2 tbsp sesame seeds
50g fresh breadcrumbs
1 large egg yolk
sunflower oil, for frying
plain flour, for dusting
For the aioli
3 tbsp good mayonnaise
zest ½ lime (after zesting, cut ½ into wedges for serving)
zest ½ lemon, plus a squeeze of juice
1. Combine the crab, spring onions, chilli and coriander in a large bowl. Heat a small frying pan and toast the sesame seeds. While they’re still hot, use a pestle and mortar to roughly grind, then tip into the bowl with the crab. Add the breadcrumbs, egg yolk and seasoning, and mix lightly. Shape into 6 patties and chill for at least 30 mins.
2. For the aïoli, mix the mayonnaise, zests and a squeeze of lemon juice. Heat 0.5cm depth oil in a non-stick frying pan. Dust the crab cakes with a little flour and fry gently for 3 mins on each side until crisp and golden. Drain on kitchen paper. Serve the crab cakes with the zesty mayonnaise, wedges of lime and a few coriander leaves scattered over the top.
Source: Good Food