Ingredients     Oil, for cooking     200g laksa paste*     600ml chicken stock     10ml fish sauce     100ml coconut milk     8 Tiger prawns, size 16/20, shelled     200g yellow egg noodles     200g red snapper fish fillet, skin removed     100g sliced squid     100g bean sprouts     4 eggs, boiled and quartered     *For laksa paste, grind together : br /> 250g chopped white onion     100g chopped garlic     100g chopped lemon grass     100g crushed candlenut     100g sugar     250g dry shrimps, chopped     300ml coconut milk     200ml fish sauce     50g salt     300g curry powder      Preparation Heat oil in large saucepan and add laksa paste. Sauté for 5 minutes or until it emanates a nice aroma. Add chicken stock, bring to a boil and season with fish sauce and coconut milk. Mix well and sieve through a fine sieve. Put it back on heat and add the remaining ingredients. Simmer for 5 minutes and serve hot.