You can even cook it on the BBQ! A great dish for the cooler weather. Qty U/M  Ingredients :- 240 gm  HAMMOUR 240 gm  SALMON 240 gm  SEABASS 240 gm  PRAWNS 240 gm  SCALLOP 240 gm  SAUTE SPINACH 120 ml  SAFFRON BEURE BLANC OLIVE OIL SALT&PEPPER DAIKON CRESS (MICRO CRESS) Method: Preparation: Marinate the pre-cut fish with salt, pepper, lemon juice and olive oil for 1 hour. Prepare the sauce   1- Bring to the boil 100ml fish stock and add 1 gm of saffron thread. 2- Reduce the stock by half and slowly whisk in 100 grams of soft butter over a low heat. 3- Season to taste and add a twist of lemon juice. 4- Grill the pre-prepared and marinated fish and set to one side. 5- Sauté the spinach with olive oil, a dash of salt and black pepper. 6- Once cooked, arrange the spinach in the centre of the plate(s) and place the cooked fish on top, pour the sauce around the fish and garnish with micro cress.