Ingredients: 2 large raw mangoes (green) ½ cup sugar ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon roasted cumin powder ½ teaspoon cardamom powder ½ teaspoon pepper Few strands of saffron Mint leaves to garnish Crushed ice to serve Method: 1. Boil the mangoes in a large pot of water till they become soft and pulpy 2. In a food processor, grind the sugar, salt, roasted cumin powder, cardamom powder and the pepper until it is a fine mix 3. Dissolve a few strands of saffron in a little water 4. Add all the above to the mango pulp To make 1 glass of Mango Panna: 1. Add about 5 tablespoons of the mango pulp to a glass of water and mix well 2. Top up with some crushed ice and enjoy this refreshing drink this summer Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie Origin: USA Creator: Neha Bali, Indian Ingredients: ½ cup fresh strawberries ½ cup kiwi (peeled and chopped) 1 banana (chopped) 1 cup plain or strawberry yoghurt 2 teaspoons honey ½ cup mango Juice Method: 1. Blend all of the above ingredients in a blender 2. If the consistency is still too thick add a little more of the mango juice to dilute it 3. Serve with some crushed ice 4. For a healthier option use low fat yoghurt instead of full fat 5. Add ½ teaspoon of wheat bran for additional fiber (This is a wonderful drink and can actually be substituted for an entire breakfast) Shai Al Zanjabil Bel Yansoun Origin: Lebanon Creator: Dima Habbouchi, Lebanese Ingredients: 1 ginger anise tea with lemon and honey 1 cup water 1 teaspoon anise seed 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon honey Method: 1. Bring all the ingredients to a boil in a small pan 2. Simmer for 5 minutes. 3. Pour through a strainer into a mug. 4. Add fresh mint to the beverage. Tamr Bel Laban Origin: Egypt Creator: Dima Habbouchi, Lebanese Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups small dry dates 5 cups milk 5 tablespoon honey Method: 1. In nonstick deep pan heat milk until it boils 2. Add honey, reduce heat and stir until honey is completely dissolved in milk 3. Cut dates lengthwise into half and remove seed 4. Put it in a large bowl and pour milk over 5. Leave to cool 6. Once cool, refrigerate for four hours before serving Neer Majige Origin: South India Creator: Latha Bhaskar, Indian Ingredients: 1 tablespoon yoghurt 1 glass of cold water ¼ teaspoon salt 10 grams of ginger flakes ¼ teaspoon cumin powder 10 curry leaves – finely chopped 10 coriander leaves – finely chopped Method: 1. Take a small bowl and mix yoghurt with cold water. 2. Beat well to make a thin laban. 3. In a food processor, grind the ginger, five curry leaves and five coriander leaves. 4. Add the paste to the prepared laban. 5. Add salt and cumin powder. 6. Stir well till all the ingredients mix smoothly. 7. Garnish with the left-over curry and coriander leaves. May Bowle with ?Apple Juice Origin: Germany Creator: Roberto Kauffmann, German Ingredients: 150 ml woodruff syrup 2 lemons (juice thereof) 600 ml apple juice 400 ml sparking mineral water Method: 1. Put woodruff syrup and lemon juice into a glass bowl 2. Add apple juice and mineral water 3. Keep it in the fridge for 25 minutes Apple and Berry Smoothie Origin: USA Creator: Shailaja Desai, Indian Ingredients: 6 Strawberries 1 peeled apple – without seeds 1 tbsp yoghurt 1 orange (without seeds) 6 blueberries 6 redberries 1/2 guava Crushed ice Method: 1. Place the strawberries, apple, blue and red berries, guava, orange, yoghurt and crushed ice in a jug blender or food processor 2. Blend until smooth and serve at once 3. Add pepper if you want Coconut drink Origin: Sri Lanka Creator: Mohana Sabeshan, Sri Lankan Ingredients: I tender coconut ¼ teaspoon cardamom powder 2 teaspoon honey 1 Indian lemon (small) ¼ teaspoon of salt (optional) Method: 1. Cut the top of a tender coconut. 2. Add honey and cardamom powder into the tender coconut with water in it 3. Squeeze lemon 4. Add salt 5. Stir all ingredients 6. After finishing the drink cut open the coconut and eat the pulpy coconut inside The Pomelo and ?Basil Drink Origin: Thailand Creator: Shailaja Desai, Indian Ingredients: For juice: 1 medium Pomello (freshly squeezed) 2 teaspoons of Basil syrup Crushed ice For basil syrup: ½ cup sugar ½ cup water 4-5 basil leaves Method: Basil syrup 1. Boil water and dissolve the sugar in it 2. Once the sugar is dissolved, add the basil leaves and let them infuse in the syrup for half an hour 3. Squeeze the pomelo 4. Add two teaspoons of the basil syrup to the juice and serve with crushed ice  Flying Kangaroo Origin: Australia Creator: Mariaka van Wessem, Australian Ingredients: 1 oz lemon juice 1 oz orange juice 1 oz pineapple juice 2 oz ginger ale Dash of grenadine Pineapple and orange slices for garnish Method: Pour the juices into a cocktail shaker with ice cubes Shake well Strain into a chilled glass filled with ice Garnish with slices of pineapple and orange