Ingredients 600 gms of beetroots 1 tspoon of white pepper powder 1 cup of orangeClick to find more about orange juice 1 tspoon of mustard powder 1 tblspoon of salad oil 1 tspoon of orangeClick to find more about orange rind SaltClick to find more about Salt to taste 1 cup of spring onionClick to find more about onion rings Preparation Boil the beetroots. When cool, peel and dice them into half inch cubes. Chill them. Mix orangeClick to find more about orange juice, oil, saltClick to find more about salt, pepper, mustard powder and orangeClick to find more about orange rind in a bowl and whisk till the mixture is homogeneous. Pour the dressing over the beetrootClick to find more about beetroot pieces and garnish with rings of spring onionClick to find more about onion.