The ancient science of Ayurveda divides the human body into three categories — Vata, Pitta and Kapha — and each is governed by an element of nature or a combination of them, giving us an individual body metabolism. \"According to Ayurveda, our bodies have a dosha based on its constitution and our lifestyle and other factors affect it,\" says Dr Chandy George, Ayurvedic lifestyle consultant at Balance Wellness Club in Dubai. \"Nature and the human body are governed by the five elements — earth, water, air, space and fire. The combinations of these elemental energies define the three major body types — Vata (space and air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (earth and water). These categories are called the tri doshas, which are often imbalanced on account of external factors, both physical and mental, leading to illness. However, these can be rectified through awareness about what one\'s dosha is and with lifestyle changes\". Seasonal changes are one of the major causes of this imbalance, says Dr Shyllaja Ravikumar Pillai, manager at Soft Touch Spa in Kempinski Mall of the Emirates. \"Vata and Pitta doshas are increased due to dehydration. As the moisture in the body lessens, the natural oils are also absorbed from the body. So, one needs follow a diet to balance the three doshas.\" \"Signs of heat exposure are evident in everyone, but more so in those whose dominant dosha is Pitta,\" George adds. \"Hence we are advised to consume foods and fluids which have a cooling effect on the body. \"It is essential to rehydrate by consuming up to three litres of water daily. Intake of spicy, deep fried, salty foods and fruits such as strawberry (because of its high acid content and viscous nature) should be minimised, if not totally avoided. Spices such as cardamom and coriander, and herbs such as mint and fennel can be included more in daily meals. Medium sweet and bitter foods are ideal for this season. Coffee and tea should be reduced to a minimum as they aggravate the Pitta dosha. Buttermilk, milk with sugar or sweet lassi (diluted yoghurt), fresh fruit juices — preferably watermelon, cucumber, coconut water, mint, organic rose water and cumin water — are good as they help balance the this dosha.\" Foods to avoid : Dr Shyllaja Pillai advises everyone should at least reduce intake of these: - Dry fruits - Fried items - Garlic - Honey and alcoholic beverages - Pungent, acid and salt tastes - Ice-cold drinks or food, especially during meals. These will douse your digestive fire and disrupt digestion. - Carbonated drinks, because they slow down the digestion process. *********** MANGO PANNA - 2 medium raw mangoes - 750ml water - 1 tsp cumin seeds, dry-roasted and ground - 1 tsp black salt - 1 tbs sugar - 1 tsp mint leaves (pudina), chopped - 12 ice cubes, crushed Chargrill the mangoes or place them in a saucepan with enough water to cover them. Bring to a boil and simmer for ten minutes. Drain the water and peel, stone and pulp the mango with a spoon. Place the pulp in a deep bowl. Add water, sugar, salt and cumin, and whisk thoroughly. Stir in the mint and whisk again. Pour into a jug and add crushed ice. Serve chilled. This a medicinal drink which can be had in case of heat stroke. Apply raw mango pulp on the body and forehead to get relief from high fever and severe headache caused due to heat stroke (not to be mistaken as a substitute for medicine). — Recipe: Balance Café FINGER MILLET PORRIDGE English name: Finger millet Botanical name: Eleusine Coracana - 15g finger millet, powdered - 125g broken parboiled rice - 250ml buttermilk - 3-4 shallots, chopped - Ghee to sauté shallots - 1.25-1.5l water - Salt, to taste Boil the rice in 1.25l of water and cook until very well done. Add three spoonfuls of finger millet powder and stir well. Cook for five-ten minutes until it thickens. Sauté chopped shallots in ghee. When the rice and finger-millet mixture is cool, add buttermilk and sautéed shallots. Mix well and add salt. Properties - It is helpful in balancing the three doshas - It reduces fat - It is cold in potency and is light on the stomach — Recipe: Dr Shyllaja Pillai GLUTEN-FREE SQUASH ‘CANNELLONI’ - 40g spinach - 1/2 small onion, chopped - 50ml extra virgin olive oil - 1 big pod of garlic - 80g ricotta cheese - 1 tsp sage leaves - Pinch of nutmeg - 40g green zucchini - 40g squash - 30g balsamic vinegar - 10g sugar - 60g tomato, deseeded and cut into quarters or one-fifths - 80g artichoke hearts - 20g asparagus - 50ml water - 20g fig - 1 tsp fresh dill Sauté spinach and chopped onion with a dash of olive oil. Add garlic. Allow to cool for a few minutes and add the ricotta cheese, sage leaves and a pinch of grated nutmeg. Slice the zucchini and squash into long strips with a mandolin. Blanch for five seconds in boiling salted water, then refresh in ice-cold water immediately to prevent further cooking. Dry on a paper towel and spread each slice with the ricotta and spinach filling. Roll like cannelloni, brush lightly with olive oil, sprinkle salt on top and bake in the oven on a non-stick tray for ten minutes at medium heat. In a pan, reduce the balsamic vinegar by half with 5g sugar. Add the tomato and reduce to one quarter. In a different pan, toss remaining garlic cloves and artichoke hearts with a dash of olive oil. Add asparagus tips that have been blanched in boiling water for ten seconds and put in ice-cold water (follow the same method as the zucchini blanching). Reduce the water with the rest of the sugar by adding the chopped figs. When reduced to half, blitz and add to the sauce. For the assembly Drizzle sauce on the plate. Place the cannelloni with artichokes, garlic, asparagus and tomato and garnish with dill.