Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya al-Sinwar

Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya al-Sinwar said that his movement “will never go back to the internal division whatever the price was”, according to Sama News Agency.

During a meeting with Palestinian factions in Gaza, Sinwar stressed that his movement “is serious” regarding the treatment of all the national division files in Cairo, The achievement of Palestinian national unity is a boost for the national cause and the only way towards undermining efforts to liquidate the Palestinian issue”.

He noted that the Palestinian factions played a central role in achieving the reconciliation through their support and pressing of both sides not to retreat.

Sinwar reiterated that his movement would continue discussing everything with all the Palestinian factions in Gaza during their talks with Fatah, As a Hamas delegation scheduled to travel to Cairo on Tuesday where they will meet with Fatah in Egypt and discuss completing all the issues related to the reconciliation.

The Palestinian national government held its weekly meeting in Gaza last Tuesday and postponed taking any steps towards cancelling the punitive measures against Gaza until after Hamas and Fatah talks.

Source: PNN