United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres

United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, yesterday reiterated his call for Muslims from Myanmar's Rakhine state to be granted nationality or at least a legal status that would allow them to lead a normal life, while also urging the international community to help provide assistance for the nearly 380,000 people who have fled into Bangladesh.

According to the UN News Centre, the Secretary-General said, "I call on the Myanmar authorities to suspend military action, end the violence, uphold the rule of law, and recognise the right of return of all those who had to leave the country," during his first press conference since the opening of the 72nd session of the General Assembly.

Mr. Guterres repeated his call for "an effective action plan" to address the root causes of the situation, which he said he been left to fester for decades and has now escalated beyond Myanmar's borders, destabilising the region.

"The humanitarian situation is catastrophic," he said, noting that at the time of his briefing to the press last week, there were 125,000 Rohingya who had fled into Bangladesh. That number has now tripled to nearly 380,000 and people are arriving hungry and malnourished and having to find shelter in makeshift settlements or with host communities.

The humanitarian community has this week launched a US$77 million appeal to aid some of the stateless refugees for the next three months.

Also in yesterday's press briefing, Mr. Guterres reiterated his call for a political solution to the situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, DPRK.

He said that nuclear and missile tests by the county created "great instability and tension" on the Korean peninsula, throughout the region and beyond.

"Unity in the Security Council is critical. This week's unanimous adoption of a new resolution sends a clear message that the DPRK must comply fully with its international obligations," Mr. Guterres said, referring to new sanctions, which among other measures, limit the imports of crude oil and oil products, ban textile exports, and prevent new visas for DPRK workers overseas.

Source: Wam