Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated new American President Donald Trump, saying in his first message, "Congratulations to my friend, President Trump. I look forward to working closely with you so that the alliance between the United States and Israel will be stronger than ever. Shabbat Shalom." According to Ynetnews.
Israel is now waiting for a meeting between the two men, which has been defined as "critical" following eight years of strained relations between the Israeli government and the administration of former President Barack Obama. That meeting, apparently, may be coming sooner than expected, as Netanyahu has sent overtures to Trump through associates.
 Government officials estimated that the meeting may take place in the first week of February.
Netanyahu is expected to travel to Australia and Singapore at the end of January and is due to visit Washington at the end of March for the annual AIPAC meeting. However, the prime minister does not want to wait until the end of March for a meeting with President Trump and is therefore making an effort to have the meeting as soon as possible, reported Ynetnews.