Sheikha Moza stresses importance of education

Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser, chairperson of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development has stressed her belief in the power of education and its ability to change the lives of individuals, transform societies and link peoples together. Participating in a seminar as part of the opening session of the World Innovation Summit for Education WISE she noted that education is a source for power, "when we use this power properly and for the right purposes". HH Sheikha Moza said that innovation is capable of solving the problems of youths, increases their confidence and help them shoulder the responsibility of their identity and culture. "Education is a process of multi-directions and we can achieve much through educating innovative thinking,'' she said. She noted that youths have expressed themselves in a civilized manner in many Arab countries. She said that WISE is multi-dimension forum that groups governments, organizations, companies and parents to exchange views and expertise. It is also a forum for innovative thought, she added.  The award launched by the conference is aimed at shedding light on the need for education and according the educators the status they deserve. Teachers aren't accorded the respect they deserve, hence WISE could contribute much if it was used as a platform to meet the requirements needed, HH Sheikha Moza said. HH Sheikha Moza emphasized that education and innovation is capable of tackling the problems of the region through innovative thought. Some 60 percent of the people in the area are under the age of 30, whereas the rate of unemployment is one of the highest in the world and there is a need for 50 million jobs in the next decade. A solution could only be found through innovative means and education, she added. The demographic dimension must be looked at as a positive point if required schools are secured for needy youths, HH Sheikha Moza said. She also noted that education is not linked to the Millennium Objectives but is an objective for life that must be achieved, she said. HH Sheikha Moza said that technology is not an objective in itself but must be used as a means to realize better education and in educating children and youths, she added. Discussions at the seminar focused on the role of education in economic and social development and how it could best serve children at schools and how to involve other sectors of education.