Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has ordered the Labour and Social Development Ministry to solve the problem of delayed workers’ salaries of a construction company immediately, and to take the necessary procedures to ensure the payment of their arrears of salaries.
The Prime Minister stressed the need to reach a quick settlement to ensure workers receives their salary arrears from the construction company, under the supervision of the Labour and Social Development Ministry.

HRH the Prime Minister reiterated the government’s keenness on ensuring the rights of workers and on compelling companies to pay the salaries of their employees in accordance with the law and regulations, stressing the government’s interest in achieving balance between the rights and duties of both workers and employers.

Bahrain’s labour legislation provides legal protection for workers, in general, and expatriates, in particular, and the Labour and Social Development Ministry should exert pressure on companies and institutions to adhere to legislation to consolidate Bahrain’s status as a worker-attracting country which is keen on preserving and protecting the rights of all workers and employers in accordance with the norms and legislation in force.

Source: Fana News