Sara Netanyahu

The wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been formally told that she faces a possible trial over alleged misuse of public funds, the justice ministry said on Friday.

"The attorney general has informed the counsel of Mrs. Sara Netanyahu, wife of the prime minister, that he is considering putting her on trial, over her part in the 'catering affair'," it said in a statement. It refers to allegations that she and an aide falsely declared that there were no cooks available at the prime minister's official government residence in Jerusalem and they ordered from outside caterers at public expense.

"In this way, hundreds of meals from restaurants and chefs were fraudulently obtained from chefs and restaurants at a cost of 359,000 shekels ($102,000, 85,000 euros)," the statement said. "For this reason the attorney general is considering putting Mrs. Netanyahu on trial for the offences of obtaining a benefit by fraud under aggravated circumstances, and (other) offences of fraud and breach of trust."

It added that Sara Netanyahu would be able to argue her case in front of Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit at a hearing before he makes a final decision on whether to press charges.

"The decision will be taken after the attorney general examines the evidence in the file and hears the positions of the relevant parties and the recommendations of the state prosecutor and the Jerusalem district prosecutor's office," the statement said.

Netanyahu, 67, is himself under investigation on suspicions of corruption, and last month his former chief of staff signed a deal to turn state's witness in probes involving the premier. - AFP

Source: Khaleej Times