Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Minister, Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa, has highlighted the importance of approving the

 Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Minister, Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa, has highlighted the importance of approving the Family Law in consolidating the state reference principle and promoting the rule of the law.
He stressed that the Family Law in its current form will augur a new phase in which the social texture of the family will be strengthened further.

Speaking during the discussion of the Legislative and Legal Committee’s report on the issuance of the Family during today’s extraordinary session held by the Council of Representatives, the minister extended sincere thanks to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for establishing the Sharia’a Committee, as well as to those who backed the law.

He praised the committee members’ patriotism, and keenness on religion and the specificity of each sect.

He praised the consensus reached on the Family Law which, he said, will preserve Bahrain’s social texture, and provide a sound basis for Sharia’a provisions, whether those embedded in the law or those related to each sect.

He added that the scholars’ opinions have been taken into account while preparing and discussing the Family Law.

The Family Law was approved unanimously during today’s session held by the Council of Representatives, which proves that Bahrain’s constitutional branches stand together to consolidate the values of co-existence, tolerance, national unity, as well the all-inclusive religious values.

The unanimous vote will preserve the specificity of each Islamic sect, and defeat the forces of sectarian extremism which is alien to the Bahraini society.

Source: Fana News