Minister of justice participates in Arab ministerial meeting

Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa has left Bahrain heading the Kingdom's delegation to the 59th Meeting of Arab Justice Ministers slated to be hosted at the Arab League headquarters in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, on November 22-24.
Shaikh Khalid said the ministerial meeting will discuss the report of the Technical Secretariat of Arab Justice Ministers Council, regarding the steps taken to implement the resolutions of Arab Justice Ministers Council and its executive office in the last session. He added that the Council of Arab Justice Ministers will discuss the proposed Uniform Arab Law on Narcotic and Psychedelic Drugs, as part of unification of legislations among Arab countries.

The ministers will discuss the draft bill of unified Arab law for the protection and assistance to victims of terrorist attacks, as well as the draft bill of Arab law incriminating the incitement of violence, hate discourse or extremism, according to Minister Shaikh Khalid.

The ministers will discuss a draft law for curbing outlawed interruptive acts against the security and safety of civil aviation, as well as, the Arab agreement regulating the affairs of refugees in Arab countries, updating the Arab agreement for judicial cooperation signed in Riyadh, and preparation of the proposed Uniform Arab Protocol to curb the proliferation of weapons in the region, besides the proposed Arab law to curb human trafficking, especially to protect women and children.

The ministerial meeting will discuss numerous relevant resolutions and recommendations pertaining the Arab agreement on combating terrorism, especially the recommendation regarding the essential need for national legislations of Arab countries to tackle terrorism, incriminate passengers who travel for the purposes of terrorism or terror-related training, and taking effective administrative actions to curb these hazards and to reject all forms of blackmailing committed by terrorist groups, including taking, threatening, killing a hostage or demanding ransom.