The king dom of jordan

Jordan and the U.S. have discussed a roadmap to renew the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the two countries for 2018-2022, which governs the economic and military aid to the Kingdom.

In a statement, released on Wednesday, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Imad Fakhoury said that he made the discussions during meetings in Washington with senior officials in the U.S. Administration and members of the allocation committees in the U.S. Congress.

In this regard, the minister underlined the importance of increasing the volume of aid provided to Jordan from its current $1 billion for the 2015-2017 timeframe, because of the key role played by Jordan and the big challenges facing the country, due to regional turmoil.

The MoU aims to support Jordan’s reform and development projects, mainly the economic stimulation plan for 2018-2022, which was recently approved. The minister underscored the importance of the U.S. economic aid to Jordan in helping the Kingdom press ahead with its reform and developmental projects and mitigate the impact of the Syrian crisis.

Source: Fana News