Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has received a thanks letter from Industry, Commerce and Tourism Minister Zayed bin Rashid Al Zayani, over HRH the Premier's patronage of Invest-in-Bahrain Promotional Forum2017 and the Global Entrepreneurship & Investment Forum2017, simultaneously hosted in the Kingdom last October.
The minister affirmed that the Invest-in-Bahrain Forum was leveraged by His Royal Highness's patronage, pointing out that it provided a strong networking relationship between the public and private sectors in harmony with His Royal Highness's wise vision that made Bahrain a major global fiscal and business hub. Bahrain features an advanced integrated regulatory environment attractive to international companies and events. He added that thanks to His Royal Highness's capable leadership and efforts, Bahrain assumed the top ranks in global competitiveness indices.

The minister explained that the two forums attracted the participation of more than 1,300 VIPs, investors and stakeholders from inside Bahrain and abroad in addition to leading entrepreneurs from 90 countries