Vice-President of the European Union Federica Mogherini

High Representative/Vice-President of the European Union Federica Mogherini in Statement on the agreement regarding intra-Palestinian reconciliation that the agreement signed by Fatah and Hamas in Cairo on 12 October can become an important step towards a full return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza, and for making genuine progress on intra-Palestinian reconciliation.

She added that the European Union will closely study the details of this agreement and what it will entail.

We welcome the continuing engagement of Egypt, and we expect all Palestinian factions to move forward in good faith in further process, in order to enable the legitimate Palestinian Authority to resume full control in Gaza.

It is essential that the agreement delivers on the ground and that the situation of the people of Gaza is improved as a matter of urgency she said.

Mogherini  also added that EU is ready to provide full support to the efforts to reunite Gaza and the West Bank under one single and legitimate Palestinian Authority saying that the agreement  is critical for reaching a negotiated two-state solution to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

High Representative/Vice-President of the European Union  end her Statement :” We will continue to liaise with Egypt, our interlocutors on the ground, and our international partners, including in the Quartet, in order to help this process to succeed.

Source: PNN