Dr. Mishaal bin Fahm Al-Salmi,

Speaker of the Arab Parliament (AP), Dr. Mishaal bin Fahm Al-Salmi, has saluted His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for the unprecedented landmark achieved by the Kingdom under his leadership.

He said that under HM the King’s leadership, Bahrain has witnessed a progress boom in various fields according to a vision in which the citizens are the cornerstone of the development process and its ultimate goal.
Addressing the 33rd regular weekly meeting of the third session of the fourth legislative term, held here today in the presence of AP members, Al-Salmi also lauded the leadership’s interest in and follow-up on the comprehensive development strategy which, he said, is based on building constitutional institutions, achieving popular participation and respecting rights and public freedoms despite the attempts made by foreign-backed terrorist organisations and some countries from the region to subvert Bahrain’s security and stability and ferment sectarianism.

Bahrain is secure and stable thanks to Allah the Almighty, the wise policies adopted by HM the King and the people-leadership cohesion, AP said.

He expressed pride in the Bahraini people’s rallying behind the leadership for the sake of enhancing their country’s development, ensuring a more prosperous future for the coming generations, preserving their nation’s resources, cementing their unity and respect for the constitution, the law and state institutions at a time some parties seek to serve foreign agendas through targeting the kingdom’s security and sovereignty.

He reiterated the Arab Parliament’s support to the efforts of Bahrain’s King, government and people to safeguard the kingdom’s security, national unity and territorial integrity against sabotage and sedition plans.

He also affirmed AP’s support to Bahrain’s efforts to combat the mainly-backed terrorism aimed at subverting its stability, stressing rejection of any form of regional or international interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries.

He also asserted that the AP is keen to include the topic of Iran’s interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries in the agendas of Arab, regional and international parliamentary gathering, expressing categorical denunciation of the Iranian regime’s provocative statements and hostile acts through providing support to terrorist groups and sparking sectarianism to undermine countries’ national unity.

The AP Speaker said that the Arab world considers Iran a neighbor and wants to build normal relations with it on the bases of good neighbourliness, respect for countries’ sovereignty and non-interference in their domestic affairs.

He called on Iran to respect Arab countries’ sovereignty and not interfere in their internal affairs, and to stop forming and supporting armed militias and terrorist organizations and group in Arab states.

He also called on the Arab League to develop a unified Arab strategy to counter Iran’s interference in Arab affairs

Source: Fana News