SIMS showcases the best athletes

On 15 December, Salmiya Indian Model School (SIMS) hosted its second Annual Sports Meet, a day filled with fervour and excitement.  The event started with the invocation of the blessings of the Almighty, with verses from the Holy Quran. This was followed by a soulful prayer song by the nightingales of SIMS. The Principal, Elizabeth Joseph, welcomed the guests.

The chief guest for the day was Shri. Raj Gopal Singh – Charge d’ Affairs, Embassy of India in Kuwait; while the guest of Honour was Aijaz Sarfaraz – CEO, Sahara Air Conditioning. Other guests who graced the occasion included – Major Satish Mishra, Mr. Ahmed Dashti – PRO, SIMS ; Mr. Mohammed Haseeb Ur Rab – Chief Project Engineer, Paradigm Pioneer Group; SIMS Director – Dr. Anis Ahmed; Principal – Mrs. Elizabeth Joseph; Vice Principal –Anita Sadanand; Senior Coordinator – Mirza Javed and parents. The hoisting of the flags of Kuwait and the School followed the march past.  The three Houses of SIMS – Emerald, Sapphire and Topaz – led by their Captains, Vice Captains and Junior Captains, following the Head girl Sabreen Nasser, Head boy Khalifa Al Enezi and the Student Council respectively, marched past in a splendid show of sportsmanship and team spirit.

The Chief Guest then handed the torch to Sports Captain ( Girl ) Maria Jasvi, who passed it on to SIMS Sports Achievers Haya Hani and Leen Abdullah. The final lap was run by Sports Captain (Boy) Hussain Saffouri who lit the Games flame. Maria Jasvi then took the oath on behalf of the all the participants.

The Chief Guest delivered the inaugural address and declared the Meet open. The release of the doves and balloons, symbolically reminded the athletes and viewers alike that sporting events are a time to come together competitively, but peacefully, in celebration of unity and strength.

The audience witnessed a variety of drills:  Baby Magic to the Gym Beats by our tiny tots of Kindergarten, the Pom-Pom drill by Class 1, Zumba by Class 2, the Mass Drill by Class 3, the Bamboo Drill by Class 4 and the Saree drill by Classes 5 to 8, left the spectators mesmerized with colourful costumes, foot-tapping music and intense formations.

The displays made way for the highly awaited athletic events where competitiveness among the students was evident. However, easing the tension of competition were the fun races conducted for the parents and staff.

The Sapphire House was adjudged Best Marching Contingent and at the end of the day, the students departed with a clear smile on their faces as ‘Sparkling Sapphire Stole Scintillating Sports Show’ by emerging as Overall Champions. In second place was the Topaz House followed by the Emerald House in third place.

The HoD- Physical Education, Dr. Shyam, thanked all for their presence, co-operation and support and advised the children to keep up the true spirit of the Games.

The lowering of the flags by Dr. Shyam and his efficient team Miss Ankita and Miss Safa, marked the close of the ceremony. The event was a resounding success - a day filled with sportsmanship, enthusiasm and memories to cherish.