Iraqi engineer Mustafa El Sherif finished his academic education in Sweden, received a

Iraqi engineer Mustafa El Sherif finished his academic education in Sweden, received a bachelor's degree in architecture from the technological university of "Lund”, and won the annual prize for the best graduation project from Helsinki Technological Society in March 2017. He won the prize with his college Waheg Fadel for the importance of their research which highlights the historical monuments in “Kalmar” castle South-east of Sweden.


“The castle is deserted and there must be entertainment and cultural facilities to show its history and to attract more tourists” said Mustafa in a press statement. He presented the project to the municipality, waiting its decision to implement it or not.







Mustafa arrived in Sweden 7 years ago from Iraq. He quickly started to learn the language and put the fundamental basis for his dream. He finished high school and majored in architecture, in which he was rewarded. His own personal believes helped him to exceed in Sweden such as, learning English, a degree in any major that will help entering the labor market, and studying hard.



His parents were huge support to him in all of his education phases and helped him through good guidance. He chose architecture because he loved drawing since he was a child and he sees in this major a chance to creativity. He is currently finishing his masters in the Royal University in Stockholm, Smart Cities Planning and Design department.



He worked as a school teacher before he moved to Stockholm in a secondary school. He thought this was a great opportunity for him as he always wanted to change the teaching methods and adopts modern techniques.




He aspires to work in a company specialized in architecture and gains European field experience, after that he will establish his own firm. He confirmed that, there will always be a chance as long as there is a goal, degree, and the patience to pursue the dream.

Source: Timesofoman