Jordanian radio

Jordanian media presenter Rand Al-Gharayba said working in Radio is easy but pose serious challenges against the workers, adding that it seems easy, while it is too difficult for the presenter to control his way of talk and to deliver the true information to the audience.
She stressed the importance of the body language, saying that it represents over 90 percent of the work of TV presenters, while the radio presenter lose this aspect in their work. She added that the radio presenter should replace the body language by using the effective verbal language.
She added that she started working in radio, while she was realizing the rules of work, praising the role performed by her father who served as one of major broadcasters in the Jordanian radio for years and also spent a large number of years as a broadcaster in the Saudi radio. She said that He was also assigned to work in the Saudi Radio where he taught me how to work and how to succeed in radio work.
She added that she presents a program titled “Here is Amman”, saying that it cover the major events and festivals in the different Jordanian governorates. She stressed that the program’s message is to reflect the stories of success witnessed in the Jordanian community and to cover the major social developments. She stressed that it makes her proud to present a program which she described as a mirror of Jordanian community.
She revealed during her interview with “Emirates Voice” that she prepares currently for presenting a new program titled “The Family House”, saying that it is a social program focusing on the developments of the Jordanian families and their role to build the Jordanian community.
She praised the current competition between different radios, saying that it is positive competition as it supports the different platforms to exert more effort to meet the expectations of their fans. She underlined the importance of the social media networks, saying that they perform a major role to increase deliver the messages of people to the authorities.
She stressed that the radio has its media role, which will not disappear with the emergence of the sites of social media networks and could be developped in different ways. She added that she prefers live programs that raise societal issues that are discussed with specialists and listeners, saying that they may address aspects that we have inadvertently overlooked and which are targeted at the same time.