Doha Forum will begin on Sunday under the theme Development

Under the Patronage of HH the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, The Seventeenth edition of the Doha Forum will begin on Sunday under the theme "Development, Stability and Refugee Crisis" in a press conference today, Chief of the Forum's organizing committee Dr. Ibrahim bin Saleh Al Nuaimi reviewed the themes that will addressed in the two-day forum.
He Explained that the axes revolve around the current political transformations at the international level, the challenges of economic development, investment, oil and gas issues, the political and economic role in refugee issues, and the human and legal dimensions in dealing with these issues. He pointed out that in the context of these axes, several meetings will be held on refugees and issues related to education and health, human, legal and security rights.
He added that the opening session will be held under the title "International Cooperation and the Importance of Political and Economic Stability." HE the Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani will deliver a welcoming speech, followed by a film about the forum and speeches by the guests of honor, he continued.
In the press conference, Dr. Al Nuaimi praised the support and efforts of Qatar, under the leadership of HH the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, for the humanitarian and refugee issues in the world, and those affected by crises everywhere.
HE Dr. Al Nuaimi said that this year's edition of the forum is characterized by the diversity of its participants and the issues it raises, particularly the issue of refugees.
Among the advantages of this forum is that it combines political, economic and academic aspects, and brings together many decision-makers, thinkers and civil society organizations, he added.
He explained that the number of participants in the forum is more than 600 participants, about 400 of them from outside Qatar, including heads of state and governments, in addition to Ministers of foreign affairs, economy and investment.
He noted that this edition of the Doha Forum will witness a remarkable Qatari participation. Qatari ministers, officials and experts will discuss various issues during the sessions and express their views, he explained.
Dr. Al Nuaimi pointed to the continuous progress in the Doha Forum in terms of its organization by the Permanent Committee for Organizing Conferences at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the issues and topics discussed and the quality of the participants in addition to the accumulated experience gained by Qatari cadres.
For his part, HE Director of the Information Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Ahmed bin Saeed Al Rumaihi highlighted the importance of the Forum, pointing that its title "Development, Stability and Refugee Issues," was carefully chosen, especially that the issue of refugees has become a global burden in light of the various crises and problems experienced in many parts of the world, Including the Middle East.
The forum is a good opportunity to listen to their Highnesses and Excellences, participating princes and heads of state, heads of government, ministers and experts, regarding all these important topics to be discussed in the forum and the related legal and rights issues.
Ambassador Al Rumaihi stressed at the press conference Qatar's vital and distinctive role in the support and protection of the refugees in order to alleviate their suffering as a religious and humanitarian duty. He pointed out that, from a brotherly and humanitarian perspective, the State of Qatar and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States do not favor the use of the word (refugees), calling them "brothers" in stead.
He also pointed to the assistance and significant contributions made by Qatar to support refugees from Arab countries suffering from crises, security problems and internal wars, and other countries as well as holding and participating in many conferences and meetings in this regard.
HE Ambassador Al Rumaihi noted that one of the Syrian refugees, a in the French Sorbonne University, hosted by Qatar at the forum, will discuss and explain in details his experience and suffering as a refugee. He added that the Forum will as well host the Italian Coastguard Director to talk about receiving and rescuing refugees, in addition to the refugees trip from their countries of origin until they reach the Italian coasts.
Al Rumaihi stressed that naming of HE Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Muraikhi as UN Secretary-General's Envoy for Humanitarian Affairs underscores the role of the State of Qatar in supporting humanitarian issues worldwide as well as its positive relations with the un and its agencies.
He pointed out that a number of the most prominent journalists in the world, will cover the activities of the forum, and highlight the issues of refugees. On the other hand,he referred to a meeting of the ambassadors of the State of Qatar abroad, that will held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately after the Doha Forum, suggesting that they -the Ambassadors- will participate in the forum. 
Participants will hold five plenary sessions on the changes in the global political landscape including the Global Trends and Challenges for Economic Development, "Oil and Energy Issues".
Keynote speakers are HE Minister of Energy and Industry Dr. Mohammed bin Saleh Al Sada, Secretary General of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, Sudan's Minister of Investment HE Dr. Modathir Abdul-Ghani, HE Monica Gheorghita, the State Secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs- Romania and HE Oscar Stenstrom , State Secretary to the Minister for EU Affairs and Trade , Ministry for Foreign affairs - Sweden.
Other plenary sessions address the political and economic impact of refugee issues, the legal and human dimensions of crisis , the future of development, stability and refugees' rights.
In addition to its plenary sessions, the Forum will hold about 12 side sessions, three of which will be held simultaneously in three different sub-topics , including issues such as developments in the Gulf-Iran relationship and political crises and their implications for the stability of the Middle East, Ways of building a stronger global economy, the role of charitable organizations and civil society in assisting refugees, the media, development and stability issues and the refugee crisis.
One of the sub-sessions entitled "Future of International Trade Agreements and Investment" and will be addressed by a number of professionals including Mr. Ahmed Ali Al Hammadi, Director of Active Investments, Qatar Investment Authority and Dr. Afnan Al Shuaibi, Secretary General and Chief Executive Officer of the British Arab Chamber of Commerce in Saudi Arabia.
The closing session will be held under the chairmanship of HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi.Doha Forum has proved its international presence throughout its previous sixteen conferences since its inception. It regularly discusses political , economic , regional and international issues . It has become one of the most important international forums which brings together the largest number of experts, academics, politicians, decision-specialists, businessmen and civil society organizations from around the world, to discuss ways to achieve stability, regional and global prosperity and how to address the challenges hindering stability in the world. 
The theme of the 17th Doha Forum is entitled: " Development, Stability and Refugee Crisis". 

Source: QNA