This is why it is wrong to throw avocado seeds away
The health benefits of the avocado

The health benefits of the avocado are well documented, they are good for the heart, help lower cholesterol and contain a vast amount of nutrients – but apparently we are still not getting the full benefit from this super food.
Researchers have now found that we are throwing away what has been described as a “gold mine” or protective nutrients.
Apparently the seed husk, which is usually thrown away with the seed, is rich compounds that could prevent the growth of malignant tumors and the build-up of fat inside our arteries.

Ultimately, the research found, avocado seed husk could be used to improve cancer treatments, as well as those for heart disease and various debilitating diseases.

“It could very well be that avocado seed husks, which most people consider as the waste of wastes, are actually the gem of gems because the medicinal compounds within them could eventually be used to treat cancer, heart disease and other conditions,” Dr. Debasish Bandyopadhyay, the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, explained.
“Our results also suggest that the seed husks are a potential source of chemicals used in plastics and other industrial products.”
The latter she said could be used in cosmetics.
According to the MailOnline there are nearly 5 million tons of avocados produced every year around the world. But while the flesh is eaten, in most cases the seed is discarded.

Some firms use the seed to extract the oil, but remove the husk.
The research was started out of curiosity over what was being thrown away. What the researchers discovered was that the husk contained a combination of oil and wax.
The husk, when ground into a powder, provided approximately three teaspoons of seed husk oil and slightly more than an ounce of seed husk wax.
The researchers found 116 compounds in the oil and 16 in the wax.
In the oil they discovered a chemical known as heptacosane which could potentially prevent the growth of tumor cells, the researchers believe.