The Canadian University Dubai hosted the UAE Philharmonic Orchestra

The Canadian University Dubai hosted the UAE Philharmonic Orchestra and Dubai Ensenble – The UAE’s first choir for determined children comprised of 24 members. The concert was the choir’s first appearance accompanied by the UAE Philharmonic Orchestra and was staged to provide determined children with the opportunity to showcase their talents, teach them about teamwork and perseverance as well as allowing those with a special talent to learn about vocal training, musical movement as well as introduce them to the beauty of classical music.

The evening saw the UAE Philharmonic Orchestra led by Ms. Aveline Bouqet and The Ensenble Choir led by Rivaan Mager join musical talent and passion in an unparalleled performance. The Choir comprised of students with special needs from several special education centers from across the UAE sang to an audience of over 150 including parents, teachers, students, friends, and family. The Orchestra and Choir showcased Bethhoven’s Symphony No 5, as well as Gershwin and other notable classical musicians and both the Orchestra and Choir were rewarded with several standing ovations throughout the evening for their incredible performances.