Salary hierarchy shocks people of Lebanon

Salary hierarchy shocks people of Lebanon Public sector employees and many Lebanese people were shocked today to see the new hierarchy of ranks and salaries for sector employees. The figures published in the Lebanese As-Safir newspaper Tuesday morning showed huge raises for presidents, parliament members and major administrative positions.
 The increase for public sector employees was not limited to ranks, salaries, and prices of commodities but also extended to special allocations and compensations for presidents, ministers and MPs who received monthly increases with numbers that reached up to 6,200,000 Liras for presidents and 4,300,000 Liras for ministers and MPs
This has highlighted the very deep gap between the increase for the “golden category” of state and institution officials in comparison to the monthly increase for tens of thousands of workers and employees in public departments, association, ministers and educational agencies. These figures ranged between 2mn Liras for higher categories and around 1mn Liras for teachers in mainstream and vocational education.
The raise for presidents, ministers, and MPs poses a question mark in view of the financial crisis which the country suffers, not to mention that it stands for inequity as one category appears privileged while the other gets less than satisfactory treatment.
At the same time, they do not provide real answers about this golden category’s entitlement to these figures and amounts they earn.
Some countries, contrary to the unique Lebanese model, show some shyness in their approach to officials’ salaries within their deteriorated economic conditions and resort to decreasing the salaries of rulers, ministers, and MPs to indicate the least sense of responsibility.
The latest figures on the distribution of total cost according to the category and civil posts on the basis on 180,000 employees, workers, contractors, oversight and military agencies are as follows:
-         137bn, 785mn Liras for the general administration department employees and contractors.
-         214bn, 674mn Liras for educational agency personnel at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
-         63bn Liras recompense and substitute for exceptional class for secondary stage teachers.
-         137 bn, 777 mn for primary stage teachers.
-         518bn, 234mn Liras for military bodies (including recompenses, residence allowance, and the application of article 3 which magnifies recompenses based on substitute increase)
-         8bn, 297mn Liras for public authorities.
-         344bn, 152mn Liras for retired employees on the basis of an 80% increase of the raise for employees in service.
-         171bn, 890mn Liras for the increase in expense compensation.
This doesn’t include the increase in free schools by 31bn Liras, and in the social provisions for military posts.
The hierarchy “chain” was built on a basis of 180,000 employees and retired employees in the public sector, while the actual number exceeds this digit according to estimations by some public institutions.